help w/grow lights!

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Feistywidget, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Feistywidget

    Feistywidget New Seed

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Boyne City Michigan
    tried starting seedlings under grow lights last year, didn't work. Have very little exp growing transplants from seed. Sorry if questions seem dumb, never done this before, don't know gardener around here who can help.

    Questions are....

    1.What wattage/brightness to use w/lights. Have seen T-5 w/grow lights what does this mean?

    2.W/new seedlings, should light be placed closer to them, or further away? How far above w/inches if placed closer to them?

    3.W/tiered grow lights is it 1 light per tier or 2 lights per tier? Found 4 tier grow light, 20 watts per light; if 2 per tier, it's 40 watts per tier. Is this bright enough?
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  3. rockhound

    rockhound In Flower

    Dec 28, 2011
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    2 inches above the plants is about what most folks use. Make some provision for raising the light or lowering the seedlings as they grow. Too close will burn the leaves.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I think there are several different wattages, but no need to worry over which one to get, there aren't too many choices at the store, I usually look for a grow bulb or similar wattage. But check your fixture to see if there is a recommendation for a specific wattage maximum for it.
    The difference between them is the color spectrum and the use for them, such as grow lights, aquarium lights, shop lights, cool or warm light. So what ever you have is, most likely, suitable for the needs of the plants. I have both a grow bulb and a regular shop bulb in each of my fixtures. The grow bulb will look violet when it is on.

    With the tiered lights you need the light fixture to be placed the width and the length of your plants.

    Like Rockhound says, not too far away. Otherwise your plants will stretch for the light and get leggy.
    If you are growing tomatoes under them, gently brush your hand across the foliage to bend them back and forth a few times each day and they will have nice stocky stems when you are ready to plant them.

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