Help with bedroom colors

Discussion in 'Choosing Colors' started by ammiller2, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. ammiller2

    ammiller2 New Seed

    Nov 27, 2007
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    Hello - my wife and I are very excited to give a fresh look to the master bedroom in our new home. It is really a beautiful room but the wallpaper and carpeting are just A LITTLE outdated...

    Our budget does not allow for replacing the carpeting, so we are stuck with the teal green. But we are definitely planning to strip the wallpaper and paint the walls. We can also afford a bedspread or duvet to compliment the new colors. What the pictures do not show are blinds that cover a huge sliding glass door out to our deck. These curtains currently match the wallpaper (yuck). We will be replacing the curtains also with something nice that goes along with our new color scheme.

    Any ideas on what colors we can go with considering the teal green carpeting and the oak trim? Any suggestions are much appreciated. We love to paint and are open to different textures and painting techniques if there are thoughts along those lines.


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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Hi there ammiller2 and welcome to our forums. :stew1:

    I think, if it was my choice, I would go for a cream or magnolia colour for the walls. The more neutral your walls are then the easier it is to buy new curtains and bedding, In time it will also be very easy to buy a carpet in the colour you want.

    You can get some beautiful bedding sets nowadays that include curtains and are fairly inexpensive. You could work with the teal of your floor covering and perhaps get a modern, but not too heavy, pattern that incorporates that colour.

    Do let us know what you decide and post piccies of the finished room for us won't you?
  4. DaphDaph

    DaphDaph Seedling

    Jul 8, 2007
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    South Carolina
    I agree with Eileen on the color. The carpet color makes it a little more difficult to match. As far as new linen and curtains, try the on line. I just purchased a few items there and got a great bargain. I found a coupon code for 50% off your entire order even if the item is on clearance. FRIENDS77 is the code.
    Can't wait to see how your room turns out!
    PS: I love your furniture!
  5. Penny

    Penny Young Pine

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Ontario, Canada
    Hi there,

    I agree too with a nice neutral shade on the walls, it will help with the carpet since its not in the budget to replace it.
    Do you know whats under the carpet by chance, a wood floor maybe, it might be worth it to take a corner that isnt obvious and peel it back a bit and see, if it is a nice wood floor, maybe a nice area rug would be nice in there too.

  6. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Just a thought ~ In a case like this where both new linens and new paint are in the works,
    I'd actually start with buying some linens that I absolutely LOVE
    (it'll be easier to choose them if the carpet color is the only "hard parameter",
    rather than trying to find something that works with both pre-existing carpet and paint).

    Then I'd let the new linens be my paint color guide,
    either choosing a neutral paint color directly from the linen pattern,
    or selecting something that harmonizes with both the linen and the carpet.

    I agree with Eileen, a cream or beige might be really lovely,
    especially if the same color related well to your linens.

    Nice linens are often more expensive than paint,
    and, whereas, paint can be custom-mixed to match nearly anything,
    :-? it can be a REAL booger to try to find linens in the marketplace
    that actually "go well with" an existing paint color,
    even one that seemed quite neutral when you chose it,
    -- suddenly you can find that the "cream" color on the wall has pink tones,
    while the "cream" color in your bedding appears more yellow. :-x

    The carpet looks more "sage-y" than teal on my computer,
    which might be nice ( ;) if it's true) because it'd be a bit easier to work with, I'd think.

    Great room, BTW :-D Love that cozy fireplace and the built ins!
  7. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    The carpet looks Sage-y on my monitor also.

    I would go with a light tan on the walls, Behr has a color called Cozy Cottage that is the color I am thinking of and a shade lighter on the ceiling. It would look great with teal or sage, whichever the carpet is.

    Cream and beige both sometimes have a tendency to give off a yellow or pink tint depending on the mixing recipe the paint company is using and they all have their own idea of what cream and beige is. Even the base paint used for custom colors can influence the final color....we found that out when this side room was rebuilt and the contractor used a different base paint for the brown we already had in the living room.

    Buying the linens first is a good idea, especially if you plan on getting some sort of a flower pattern or geometric pattern.
    If you want a solid color or shades of one color instead, browns would go with both teal and sage. And accent colors in the dark gold-burnt orange range would go with all the colors and would make a very cozy bedroom.

    To cut costs even further, you might considered keeping the comforter you have on the bed now and finding coordinating curtains.
  8. stacy131

    stacy131 New Seed

    Jan 14, 2008
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    This is a little unexpected, but I'd go for a cranberry and ivory color combination. Try to imagine it with the beautiful soft teal.

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