Creeping Charlie that is. This is the best it's looked ever. And putting on lots of cute little white flowers. Creeping Charlie ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
That's a nice looking plant, love the planter too!! Do you know the botanical name? The only Creeping Charlie common name I am familiar with is an Ivy with purple blooms.
Toni... No I don't know the name and the person that gave it to me a few years back just called it a Creeping Charlie. Wonder if I've been calling it the wrong name? Guess I should look online to see what I can find. And the planter was Hubby's idea. Just took a hollow log and put the pot right in there. Sometimes he does have good ideas!
Maybe someone on GS will know the botanical name, cause I would like to find one I don't have very many white flowers. Most likely yours does have the common name of Creeping Charlie, many plants have the same common name and it gets very confusing without the botanical name.
Toni... I believe I found it's botanical name. Lamiaceae Plectranthus australis Also known as Swedish Ivy, Swedish Begonia, Creeping Charlie More info at: ... australis/ Do you think this is it?
I did a search on the Stew and found that I already submitted this plant as Plectranthus verticillatus. Now I'm confused... and probably confusing others. Is there a way I can tell exactly what variety of Plectrantus this is?
That planter was a really great idea. Husbands can be useful sometimes can't they? Gorgeous white flowers on your Creeping Charlie too - they remind me of Jasmine flowers. Are they scented?