Have: Bugle..Ajuga reptans/plants Pussytoes..Antennaria plantaginfolia/plants Virginia Wild Ginger..Asarum virginicum/plants Spleenwort..Asplenium exiguum/plants Rattlesnake Fern..Botrychium virginianum/plants False Forget-Me-Not..Brunnera macrophylla/plant Creeping Bellflower..Campanula rapunculoides/plants Trumpet Vine..orange..Campsis radicans/cuttings Spotted Wintergreen..Chimaphila maculata/plants Cotoneaster...Cotoneaster horizontalis..Self roots./plants/cuttings Eastern Hay Scented Fern.. Dennstaedtia.. punctilobula/plants Pinks..Dianthus...'Neon pink'/plants American Persimmon...Diospyros virginiana/seeds Silver Russian Olive..Elaeagnus angustifolia/seeds /cuttings Forsythia..Forsythia...yellow/cuttings Beetleweed..Galax urceolatapunctilobula/plants Wintergreen..Gaultheria procumbenspunctilobula/plants Dwarf Rattlesnake Plaintain..Goodyera repenspunctilobula/plants Orange Daylily..Hemerocallis fulva/tubers Liverleaf..Hepatica americanapunctilobula/plants Hoya..Hoya carnosa/cuttings Evergreen Candytuft..Iberis sempervirenspunctilobula/plants Dwarf Crested Iris..Iris cristatapunctilobula/plants Sweet Iris..Iris pallida..not variegated/rhizomes. Spicebush..Lindera benzoin/seeds Lily Turf..Liriope muscari/plants Gooseneck Loosestrife..Lysimachia clethroides/plants Sharpwing Monkey Flower..Mimulus alatus/plants Partridgeberry..Mitchella repens/plants Orchid..Oncidium Sharry Baby..Oncidium/plant Orchids..Phalaenopsis..3-4 plants to trade. Some with tags some w/o. Blooming size and prev. bloomed. Creeping Phlox..Phlox subulata/plants Mostly but also red, and pink with white edges. Christmas Fern..Polystichum acrostichoides/plants Damson..Prunus americana..one trade only/seeds Scarlet Firethorn..Pyracantha coccinea/cuttings Polyantha Rose..Rosa..'The Fairy'/cuttings Virginia Rose..Rosa virginiana/cuttings/hips Rose-pinks..Sabatia angularis/plants Showy Stonecrop..Sedum 'Matrona'/cuttings Pink Stonecrop..Sedum ewersii/cuttings Stonecrop..Sedum lydium/cuttings Common Lilac..Syringa vulgaris..Both lavender and white/cuttings New York Fern..Thelypteris noveboracensis/plants Common Periwinkle..Vinca minor..also white/plants Yucca..Yucca filamentosa/plants/seeds Turkey Beard..Xerophyllum tenax..Have enough seeds for one. A couple of large agave pups. Wanted: Hoyas Butterfly Weed..Asclepias tuberosa..Wild, orange, native type/Plants Scotch Heath...Erica carnea/Plants Wax Heath..Erica ventricosa/plants Darley Dale Heath..Erica x darleyensis.. 'Mediterranean Pink'/plants Hosta..Hosta..Large hostas...esp. blue, yellow, fragrant but also others/plants Tall Bearded Iris..Iris..'Broome Sunset'/rhizomes Tall Bearded Iris..Iris..'French Cancan'/rhizomes Tall Bearded Iris..Iris..'Saladancer'/rhizomes Tall Bearded Iris..Iris..any Oasis rhizomes Dwarf Tall Bearded iris..Iris...solid white, pink, or yellow/rhizomes Red Banana Tree...Musa sumatrana...'Rojo'/Plants Flame Azalea...Rhododendron calendulaceum/orange plant Various sedums and stonecrops that will grow zone 7 Houseleek..Sempervivum 'Mystic'/Plants Houseleek..Sempervivum 'Pacific Knight'/Plants Thanks to all!!! Deb[/list]
Welcome Deb from coastal NC. It sounds as if you have an amazing garden from your list. Hope you settle in and enjoy the "stew" We love photos of anything. Gardengater
My garden!! It is spread all over my yard and there also beds in the woods. We are moving to the Eastern Shore of VA next year where we have a completely bare yard!!! I am taking a lot of plants with me...at least starts...some I am leaving, and some I am trading for the new things I need!!! I never knew there were places to trade plants on the internet!! This is wonderful!! TY Debbie
Welcome Debbie! I live in east Texas. Why don't you go to the forum 'Welcome to the Garden Stew' and introduce your self. There are members from all over the world and we are a friendly bunch. Would love to see pictures of your garden, pets, hobbies, etc.