I was going to see if I could transplant some of my tiny stevia thinking they somehow were separate leaves. It turns out they weren't and.... well I found this It was awesome. I put it back in its old container because I didn't have anything big enough for it but I added new soil lol. Hopefully these grow stronger so that I can get clippings out of them
Somewhat anxiously awaiting your answer to 2ofus's question.. If your answer is 'YES' maybe you will also tell us 'HOW'.... Hank
I use it to sweeten tea. Just like you would woth mint there are other ways im sure buy fresh stevia in twatwtea or coffee to sweeten it is about all i know. Just let.it steep for a few minites in the hot drink and it tends to sweeten well. I havent done much experimenting with it so.... sometimes i just chew on leaves thetthey do taste a good deal like sugar