Hoppy ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) This is Hoppy the resident pest and it has been around for quite awhile. Its favourite is kale.
Is this a typical insect in Malaysia? Although it has attractive colour, I wouldn't like to have that fellow visiting my veg or flower patches. He looks like an eating machine.
Hoppy is a very exotic looking fellow or gal. It's relatives here that I have seen are all just shades of brown and gray, nothing pretty. Hope it's on a diet and doesn't eat too much of your veggies.
We have all colors here but I sure wouldn't make a pet of them They destroy all of my Hibiscus this year and anything in their reach. Grasshoppers are never welcome in my yard.
I have no idea whether it is a native or not Sojerd and I think it is more like a locust!!! Thanks Eileen, luckily it is working alone ... No toni it is not on a diet, luckily there is enough veggies for the both us .... Hehe!!! I had tried to chase it away couple of times Glendann but it just keep on coming back and the birds dare not eat it. Well I have almost harvested all my leafy veggies and hope that Hoppy will go away soon.
You make me feel like a big meanie I had a heck of a time with them this summer. They were eating my poor hollyhocks so I would step on them or cut them in half with my clippers Wow! can't believe I confessed that.
Well if there were more of them and is a pain in the you know where I will just do the same At the moment the birds are doing a great job picking out the normal kind of grasshoppers. Sometimes I am a meanie too!! Incidentally it had left
All jokes aside that is a great photo and I've never seen a grasshopper that color.Its amazing you can get that close to him.
That's what I was thinking too Glenda -- I like looking at grasshopper-ish things but they always jump away if I get close. I like this pic. I can't say I've had any grasshoppers that were a problem (knock on wood) so I guess I can still like them!
the stripes are what i've never seen before... a couple years ago i brought in some plants from outside and washed them all and put them in our loft under a light. within a couple weeks there were all these timy 'bugs' all over them. hubby finally guessed they were grasshopper babies! what a shock! are you sure it's a 'him'???!