My husband travels to another plant a couple days a week that is 1 1/2 hours away. and on the way this morning he came upon some fog and he had to slam on his brakes because there was a horse in the middle of the road..Yes...a horse...he was about 20 feet away from it after he slammed on the brakes. He did go up the driveway of a farm to let them know that their horse was out...what next? I couldn't believe it...I bet he forgot to take a picture..but of course I think I would to when you are stopped on a road with fear of someone tail ending you or worse...
Why does stuff like that always seem to happen in the fog? In my tiny town I've encountered guinea hens, horses, and a multitude of chickens wandering downtown. Though, when I was a teenager, I was the one responsible for a pig getting loose in my hometown. And running into a hotel lobby. She won me a blue ribbon, though, once we got to the fair
I usually find Turkey's and deer on the road and occasionally cows too. The joys of living in the country! Thank goodness he was able to stop! I know a girl who hit a horse on the road and she was seriously injured. The horse didn't make it
Now I have heard of deer in the road and cows...but a horse!! If it had been you Sherry, I know you would have taken a picture!!!