How did you meet your significant other?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Toni's topic about the cute, older couples got me thinking, how did you meet your significant other?
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  3. Palustris

    Palustris Young Pine

    Jan 10, 2006
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    After leaving University I applied for a teaching post at a school called Westbank. She applied for a job at a school in the same town called Hale. They gave us both a job at a school called Halebank.
    She was in a relationship and I had just come out of a badly broken up one.
    I walked into the Staffroom first morning and was introduced to a tall, black haired, long legged gorgeous female. Nuff said.
  4. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    !! :) What a great thread.

    My husband was a friend of my older brother. He & my brother fenced together on the fencing team. We all were attending the same university at the time. I dropped by my brother's apartment & met my future husband there! Of course, my husband at the time had a girlfriend & I was similarly involved, but I thought he was pretty cute. Several years later, we met again at my parents' vacation property. I had heard that my husband was going to be there with my brother, so I made sure our visits would overlap. We hit if off. The rest is history!

    Oh! I just remembered, I met my husband a second time at college. My brother & I dropped by his apartment. There he was, long legged, in cut-off jeans & long hair (this was the 70's). He was watering his houseplants (he likes plants too) and the water was overflowing several of the plant underliners. My brother & I helped him sop up the water! & that is my husband to this day. He ia a brilliant guy, but still does stuff like overflow plant underliners.

    That was 30+ years ago & I feel I have been very fortunate in marriage.
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Ian's cousin was having an engagement party and as she worked in the same office as me I was invited along. Ian was there at the venue and we just 'clicked.' He walked me home that night and we've been together ever since.

  6. CariAnn88

    CariAnn88 Seedling

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Hindley, UK
    I meet Dave through a friend. She set me up on a blind date with him and we have been together since :)
  7. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    I was home on leave and a friend and I had been out drinking. We stopped at a drive in restraint for something to eat. My wife and her girl friend were in the car next to us. The other girl started to flirt with us, but my wife wanted nothing to do with us. Soon we all got to talking and she finally warmed up to me. I took her out the next night and then we wrote back and forth after I went back to the base. A year and a half later we were married. The wedding was in 1965.
  8. Kiasmum

    Kiasmum In Flower

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I had been invited out for a drink with some friends and Mark called in on his way somewhere else.He sat down next to me and before I could say anything he stole the lemon from my drink. :D 7 weeks later we got engaged and we were married 14 months later in 1983.
  9. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Randy and I worked at the same company and I had a Pinto that was in almost constant need of repair, tinkering, fiddling with or taking a nice sized hammer to. It wouldn't start one day when I tried to leave work, I walked into the area where he worked and asked if anyone could take a look at it and maybe fix it.
    This tall, thin (9 years younger than me) cute guy with shoulder length hair stood up and volunteered to help. He got it running and became my go-to guy when it wouldn't run...he fixed the car and I fed him supper. We were both ending bad relationships so we became friends first but after a few months that developed into spending almost all evenings and weekends together. One night about 2 years later he was getting ready to leave, my daughter who was 12 at the time, asked "Why don't you two get married, he's over here every night anyway?" So a month later we did and every year on our anniversary we send her flowers with a note that says "It's still a good idea"
    Droopy, Jewell, KK Ng and 1 other person like this.
  10. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I'm 7 years older than him. I used to date his oldest brother (1975-78 and remained in contact with the family over the years.... they were like my second family. Another brother was in my class. The sister was a close friend, etc.
    When I returned home in 2001, I went to visit with the family. I had just ended a long-term relationship and he was going through a divorce and moved not far from me. So, we just would go hang out. And as the saying goes... one thing lead to another. It was kinda "weird" dating a guy I used to babysit for and referred to as a "little brother". :D
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Sophomore year of college, as I was moving into the dorm, several guys showed up to lug stuff (a girl has a lot of "stuff"). There was one young man who was quiet and had the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen.
    He asked me out, I went, and we dated off and on all year. Then the next year I spent in Spain. We dated when I got back, and for two years after we graduated.
    I had no intentions of ever marrying, after seeing my parents' and my sisters' marriages. However, those gorgeous eyes won out, and we've been together 42 1/2 years. Moral of story--go for the eyes!
    Droopy and Jewell like this.
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I was working in a small village and my bride appeared at the front door of the house in which I was living one day. Apparently my housemate had told her that she could rent a room and she had arranged a job and rolled-up in a large bus.

    It was fine with me and the three of us lived and worked in the village for a few years. Finally the original housemate found someone to marry and she moved on, leaving my bride and I.

    She worked at a small care centre where retarded children were cared for and I had a contract with the hospital (to which this care centre was attached) whereby I would hold "sick calls" and be "on call" for their emergencies in addition to my other duties.
    So, I would see her at home and at work.

    The relationship grew and after a number of years we got married and moved on to another chapter.
    Droopy likes this.
  13. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    My best friend at the time was dating my cousin who happened to be friends with Bret. They were going out to pizza and my friend forced me to go with her. She was my ride home so I was kind of stuck. After beer and pizza in 1983 we are still together! Nothing ever happened between my friend and my cousin but they were both in our wedding :D
  14. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Bob and I met in 1976 and dated a while. I was head over heels, but he was too stupid (his words now) to realize what a good thing we had. I then gave up, packed up and moved to Colorado. There, I married and had three kids. Fast forward 20 years...
    After becoming a relieved, happy divorced woman, my girlfriend thought I ought to get back into the dating world (yea, that didn't happen!!)
    She kept asking me, who I might like to see. So, after a bit of thought, I remembered my old flame. She grabbed a phone book (yea, a phone book) and low and behold! There was Bob's name in there same address as it was when I left! The beautiful little country cabin where we we had shared some happy times.
    Call him! she said! But I was too chicken. I did however, write him a short note, telling him my circumstances, and to see if he might like to get together? Or forgive me if this was out of line.( I didn't know if he had married, or had a girl.)
    Then I sealed the envelope, put on a stamp, and walked it out to my mailbox. Saying a silent prayer to the full moon that night I dropped the letter into the post.
    He called the very next evening!! No wife or girlfriend. It was as if we took up where we left off. Older and much wiser!! He says I saved him from living a boring lonely life. We began a lot of lengthy phone calls, then some fishing, lunches, dinners,etc. etc. Buying a house, and well... 11 years and some of you know we were married last April.
    Bob always thanks me for writing that letter. I thank God I had the courage to mail it. I think we were meant to be!
    Jewell and Cayuga Morning like this.
  15. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Very clever Frank! :D
    You start this thread, and ask for everyone's input. But conveniently forget to say something about your own experiences... Like I said, very clever indeed! 8)

    But jokes aside, this thread is about people who have found their significant others - So what about people who are right now in the process of finalizing the deal? Or what about the people who still have not started this journey? So I think I will now like to deviate from the topic a little, (just a little). So that those who have traveled this road, are now able to give some advice to those who are still traveling, as well as to those who have not yet turned the ignition key.

    As for myself, well, consider me a lost cause - Because I seriously doubt if any woman will be crazy enough to get hitched with an ultra paranoid doomsday prepper like myself. :D Not unless she likes the noxious smell of aerosolized gun lubricants in the morning. Accompanied with the sound of ammunition clips inserted and withdrawn, and charging bolts chambering and ejecting heavy caliber rounds, (over and over again)... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :p

    Or then again, maybe this is something that I deliberately do - To keep the rest away, so the way is clear for a certain someone (for whom I am ready to change). So that there is a hint of advice from me, not going to say anything more in public. As this is the most anyone will ever get out of me here... Therefore be the bad boy in front of all of humanity. Be extra rude, be insulting, be totally unbearable, in fact become a true pain to be with, (specially in front of relatives and friends who can't help but try to fix you up with someone).

    However, try your best to be a gentleman in front of the one... :p Also, once in a while, do scare the life out of someone in her camp too (specially someone who is really asking for it). As this also is a must in this day and age. Because many people don't know when to stop. So be fully capable of inducing the very fear of God in them - However just before the crunch time, simply walk away... This way those who are smart will learn exactly how much they can get away with (when it comes to interacting with you). While the stupid ones will surely get what will be coming for them in the next round... This *exemplification* I believe is a must when it comes to thwarting 3rd party intrusion (from people who are out to seek just a cheap thrill for themselves, at your personal expense)... So never let anyone from the outside say or do anything which will cheapen your and her sentiments.

    The rest is easy, as guns seriously don't need to be lubricated and their actions checked and rechecked every day. They can still function just fine hanging inside the back end of some deep dark closet (untouched for years).... :D
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  16. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    There's no "conveniently forget"ing at all. I haven't met my significant other yet.

    I am really enjoying everyones stories. They are so gosh darn romantic!
    S-H likes this.

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