This video below (30 seconds long) shows how plants breathe at a microscopic level. Which amazingly isn't much different from how we breathe. Yes we all know about this, but actually seeing it gives a new appreciation for it. This animated video below (4 minutes) shows us the entire process. Of exactly how plants breathe, make their feed from sunlight. And provide us with healthy oxygen. Another video below (also 4 minutes) showing the process at the microscopic level. This video below (almost 5 minutes long) shows how many plants we would need, to stay alive. Also explains what happens to plants when light isn't shinning on them - They start producing carbon dioxide, same as us actually, during their period of rest. So keep this in mind, whenever thinking about living on a space station. And finally this video below (6 minutes) shows Dr. Neal DeGrasse Tyson, sharing his wisdom - I just found it too funny, so have to share!
Very interesting videos. To realize how small and fragile we are was a rude awakening. Dr. Neal DeGrasse Tyson - hilarious…. Well… at least he didn’t smoke any baby plants…