I just bought two new clematis vines, and I've never grown these before.The name on the tag is Barbara Jackman Clematis,the flowers are a lightish blue color with white centers.Can anyone give me any information about how to grow them? Julie
The main thing I have read is that while the vine likes sun, the roots need to be kept shaded. But my daughter had one in a half whiskey barrel a few years ago that got afternoon sun, roots and all and the thing was beautiful. Mine is on a trellis under the Chinaberry tree and gets early afternoon sun but not the real heat of the day sun. I did a Google search for Barbara Jackman Clematis and got several sites with more info on that particular one.
More information on clematis. (From: http://www.botany.com/clematis.html ) "Pruning: Clematis are pruned according to the group to which they belong. The Florida, Patens, and Lanuginosa groups produce flowers on the previous year's growth. Pruning consists of trimming the old flowering growths right after flowering. Older, crowded plants can be pruned hard in late winter, but the first crop of flowers will be lost. The second group contains Jackmanii, Viticella, and Texensis. These Clematis flower on the current year's growth, often in late summer and fall. Pruning for this group consists of cutting back to within 12 inches of the ground in late winter or early spring. Old, unpruned plants will become spindly at the base. PROPAGATION: Seeds may be sown in the fall, plants may be divided in the spring, or they may be increased by layering, grafting, or cuttings. Sow the seeds in shallow pans filled with sandy soil and place in a cool greenhouse. Layering can be done at almost any season, however, September is the best time. Bend shoots and peg them down with pegs or large stones. Cuttings may be inserted in a frame kept closed for a few weeks. Clematis seem to produce roots better from the piece of stem between the nodes or joints rather than from the joints themselves."