How do I go about killing the small weeds that are growing up through my patio pavers? Sadly there's no weed mat underneath the bricks. I've tried commercial spray herbacide twice on other weeds before and both times ended up effecting plants nearby so I won't be going that route again. I tried pouring heavily salted water in the cracks but they aren't large enough and the water just ran down the sidewalk. I guess I need something that'll do the job that I can brush on and has no chance of transmitting through the air like I've seen before. thanks
We have the same problem, i just pull them out or can try boiling water, i think vinegar will do the same thing. Most of the time i don't bother, it looks more cottagey like.
If using a spray the. A wide range is needed to kill broad leaf and other types of weeds. See bb store with wide range spectrum of weed killer .
I use different types of organic poison… all around the perimeter of my property. If I don’t I end up with poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac and poison tansey and many others which will kill the grazing horses if not managed reasonably. Sometimes we have to make decisions to whatever is needed to protect the pastures and ourselves while working in both the garden and pastures. I am too old to go down a long driveway and scratch weeds outta cracks. Besides that scratching just makes the cracks bigger. Just the toll it takes on my shoulders and back is crippling. I also use shrub killer on various shrubs that seed in areas around the property. Good Solid Responsible Management is key .
We’ve found this recipe to work well for us. Best used on dry, warm day. Repeat as needed. It keeps the neighbors blackberries from encroaching on our property. The Recipe Pour 1 gallon of white vinegar into a bucket. 5-percent household white vinegar is fine. ... Add 1 cup of table salt. ... Stir in 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. ... Blend all thoroughly and then funnel the weed killer into a plastic spray bottle. Vinegar. ... Salt. ... Soap. Spray and repeat after rain or as needed.
Thanks for the advice. Here's some pictures of the weeds if it helps. They're coming up in multiple spots but they all seem to be the same plant.
It looks like a variant of crabgrass when left unchecked to thrive. I would just pull them out, moving the pavers as becessary. Then just stay on top of them: see a sprout, yank a sprout..