GOOD Morning ; Does anyone know how to tell when celery is ready to pick This is my first time for celery. It was probably to hot to plant , They are probably a cool weather veggie. Thank you Margie :-? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Do you have some planted ? It is a cool weather plant I think. I haven`t even tried to grow it in Texas. Don`t think it would like this 100 degree heat.
I honestly have no idea. But if they are small now as in just a few inches, they may not go to seed early and could still make. If they are larger they will probably go to seed before getting big enough for anything. Good thing is if I remember correctly, they are one of those plants that can be used at an early stage of growth so even if they don`t get huge you can still throw them in soups, casseroles ect.
Celery is a very small footed plant it needs regular watering (like every day it don't rain). Once plant is a foot tall or so wrap a paper shopping bag around stalks to blanche it whiter. for five-seven days.