I have a very old rose bush at the side of my house. This year it has gone gang busters for whatever reason. It had tons of blooms on it and really grew by leaps and bounds. It has gotten pretty gangly as far as its growth though. Does anyone have any good suggestions on maybe training it to a trellis? I have trimmed and pruned it every year and put glue on the ends of the pruned branches. I still cannot seem to get it to be a nice shape though. Thanks
Climbing roses require pruning and training to keep them looking attractive. Besides selective pruning, you can get velcro garden tape that works well for keeping roses and other vine plants from wondering. It's nice, because it is over a 1/2 inch wide and doesn't cut into plants like twist ties do. It can also be used over and over. If it is a old fashion rose bush, do a severe prune job in the fall or spring and let it start over again and keep up with touch up prunes as needed. Ron