Hoya Kerrii

Discussion in 'Gardening Other' started by songlim18, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. songlim18

    songlim18 Seedling

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Does anyone have this plant? The leaves are shaped like hearts. I have had this plant for several months. It is healthy. The leaves are about 3" wide and 4" long. It has started to branch out and I see many new leaves. Some of the branches has no leaves but roots so I simply stick them in the soil. It has not flower though. If you have this plant, how do you care for it?
  2. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I don't have one but have been reading about them to see if I want to try to growing them, I like the heart shape leaves....they are picky and since I already have raised two picky daughters I don't know if I am up to another picky family member :rolleyes:

    They usually don't bloom for the first two years, they spend that time building strong roots. When they start blooming, they bloom profusely and only on old spurs so don't go trimming those off the plant after they bloom.

    They do like to be slightly potbound, that's why they spend the first couple of years growing roots then the blooming can begin.

    They don't tolerate excessively wet soil, let the soil dry to 1-3 centimeters below the surface between waterings. And water them before adding fertilizer or it can damage the roots.

    They like bright light but not direct sun. A few feet back from a south window is a good place for them.

    Good luck with yours and please post some photos of it. :-D
  3. songlim18

    songlim18 Seedling

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Toni, I am sure any Hoya Kerrii will adore you. Based on your advise, I am currently on the right track. I took a second look after reading your notes and like you said, they like to be root bound. The pot looks like it is exploding! The main stem is as fat as my thumb. I am happy they are happy. :D Photos will follow soon. Many thanks.
  4. songlim18

    songlim18 Seedling

    Jul 25, 2008
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