I have a new hydrangea (my first) and its new leaves look okay but later turn yellow and get rust colored spots on them. I suspect poor soil. There doesn't appear to be any insects. Plant is watered once or twice a week. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi there, Firstly a big welcome to GardenStew. Hope you find our forums informative and helpful. I don't know much about hydrangeas myself but I found a few websites that may help you out. www.hydrangeashydrangeas.com/ www.helpfulgardener.com/hydrangea/2003/ www.emmitsburg.net/gardens/articles/fre ... angeas.htm I would be inclined to think that your plants require a good feed and perhaps watering more often as the symptoms you describe are usually signs of some sort of soil or water deficiency. Hope you find the answer to you problem soon.
Hi tbva! Boy there are quite a few of us asking hydrangea questions, aren't there! Where are you? My hydrangea's need watering almost daily here, but it shows its signs of wilting when it is ready so you would probably know if you needed to water more frequently. I am also experiencing some leaves as you mentioned and know that I have neglected 'feeding' so will make a point to do that soon! They are beautiful, I hope yours does well! Peggy Sue