Hydrangea Propagation

Discussion in 'Hydrangea' started by genie dorsey, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. genie dorsey

    genie dorsey New Seed

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Fairly new to gardening and propagating plants...I recently got some cuttings from a hydrangea plant (based on the leaves , it seems to be the mophead variety) and was wanting to find out if its recommended to keep these cuttings growing in pots and bring indoors later on in the year to protect them or once plants get rooted go ahead and relocate to a permanent area in the garden ( I'm in Zone 6)?
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  3. Luis_pr

    Luis_pr New Seed

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Hurst, Texas, USA, USDA Zone 8
    In case you are still login into this website... this is quite late of a reply but I wanted to inquire as to how did the hydrangea cuttings work for you back in 2015?

    I find that the hydrangea macrophylla is one of the easiest hydrangea to root from softwood cuttings, specially from April to July. These early planted birds (say, in April) should become potted plants ready for transplant outside by the end of summer. Or since you are in Zone 6, you can overwinter them indoors and theeeeeeen plant them in Spring. You posted in June but do not be surprised if April cuttings even bloom! Not all do but, many do. Just a single bloom though, nothing "fancy". Do not place the cuttings too deeply as they need to breath oxygen. You could have used hormones but mophead cuttings just seem like they want to grow as soon as possible. Softwood cuttings root in 2-6 weeks. Or something close to that. Not sure why some take longer and others zoom and root fast. Some people cover them with plastic bags and indirect light but the cuttings I have tried before are not the tiny or small variety of cuttings. So I leave them in bright shade, potted outside, in a place where the pot will not fall if I get some of those powerful summer thunderstorms.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
    Frank likes this.

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