My husband went into the small city near us to get groceries, etc. that aren't available here. He bought 12 bottles of wine and a box of red wine, two pizzas, and a can of New England Clam Chowder. At check-out he received a coupon for 75 cents off on dry cat food. I don't understand how cat food relates to his purchases, unless the store thought anyone buying that much wine must have a cat!
maybe the next time you go there will be free kittens and you will have a coupon for kitty food... win win.
Stores get coupons from manufacturers for all sorts of products to give out to their customers and they are usually related to what products that the company wants to push at that particular time and sometimes which products the stores customers are purchasing most often. It's a marketing thing.
MG, I don't get the logic either. However, Carolyn seems to get it. Toni wins for being the most educated in the ways of Retail logic!