For the past 2 weeks I have been building me a new storage building for my firewood. I had a small one up close to the house, but it only held about 3 months worth of wood during a "normal" winter. So that meant we would have to move wood in mid Jan., weather permitting. Well now this one is big enough to hold a whole winters worth of firewood and it sets in the same place as the small one sat. We moved the small one and use it to keep our garbage cans in. I will try to get a pic of it tomorrow. This one is 10 ft wide and 8 ft. deep. I can stack wood up to 6ft high in it. I just finished painting it today.
Don't work too hard. There is all summer to get it moved. I know how hard moving wood is to do. We have a pile to cut and move. But, not yet. Dooley