73 days ago my yard received about 3 inches of rain, one day in early July it received 1/2 inch in about 20 minutes and with mulch on the ground none of it reached the plant roots. Last night storms were moving steadily from west to east....right across the counties north of us, between us and the Red River. But late yesterday, I guess about 11 p.m., Mother Nature must have gotten tired of my begging, pleading and whining for some rain (about time she did!) and let a portion of those storms drop a little further south so they moved across us. For about 6 hours we got a steady rain, sometimes heavy/sometimes lighter, and this morning there is 2.5 inches in my rain gauge. Lots of lightning and thunder for a few more hours before the rain too. The plants got several shots of nitrogen and then some much loved rain. No hose dragging today for me, it's also about 20 degrees cooler right now than it has been this time any day for the last 2 months!
I heard the thunder in the distant and was praying for rain here but none came.Im glad yougot some toni.
Thanks for the rain Netty, I wondered who would be willing to share with me. Yesterday the temp set another record high at 106....today at 4:00 p.m. it's only 86. We haven't had a day time high temp below 90 since around the end of May. I really hope we are finished with the bad summer temps but I have a feeling they are still lurking in the background just waiting for me to get comfy with these temps then they will hit me smack between the eyes.
And it smell so good.We are to get more Thursday. I hope everyone who needs rain get some. And nice to see green grass.
So glad you finally got rain Toni. The sound of drops hitting the soil/leaves after a prolonged dry spell is pure magic. And the glorious smell.
Toni, I had hesitated to post here earlier because I was eaten up by sheer envy, but we got rain today! We woke up to the sound of rain (like you, I'd almost forgotten what it sounded like) and by mid-afternoon we had received 2 3/8" of blessed rain. We have prospects of more rain tomorrow. I hope I get to go to church through puddles, and hear rain on the roof during the service!
Sounds like Texas is getting wet in more places than usual. We had another 3/4th inch last night and the overcast is getting darker here now. There are numerous spots of storms out west of us, some heading south and some coming more east/south so maybe my yard will be basking in more wet stuff tonight.
We're getting a little rain today. Very light and I think it's about finished. I'm so torn... we really need the rain, but there's a benefit planned for tonight for a young man. Okay mother nature, you can turn off the "faucet" for a few hours and then after midnight you can turn them back on again!
Uh oh, be more specific about how long after midnight she should turn the 'faucet' back on. Anytime from 12:01 a.m. to this time next year is "after midnight" and sometimes Mother Nature can be a...well, let's just say she does have a wicked sense of humor.
You're so right Toni. I'd hate to put a time limit on the old gal... let's just say she can leave them on until there's just enough rain.
We have 2 3/8" of rain so far, from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. with more predicted for tomorrow. I'm doing a happy dance!