I'm so excited to actually have something I can trade. I will also accept postage or SASE. All seeds are in packs of 20. Updated 2-21-07. Anything in red has been added. Green has been updated on 3-5-07 Sunflower(unknown variety) Crackerjack Marigolds limited Queen Sophia Marigolds Sunrise Marigolds (french style) Firecracker Vine Money Plant(Silver Dollars) Clemson Spineless Okra Cherry Tomatoes(volunteers last year) Butter Lettuce Iceberg Lettuce Mexican Hat Pepper (hot ornamental) Iochief Corn OUT Kentucky Wonder Pole beans Pencil Pod Black Seeded Wax Beans Burpee Stringless Bush Bean Limited amount of trades: Straight Eight Cucumbers Butternut Squash OUT Echinacea MY WISH LIST Passionfruit vine Amaranth - edible Artichoke Garbanzo Beans Runner Beans Kidney Beans Black Beans granted Pinto Beans granted Open-Pollenated Cauliflower granted Strawberry spinach Cumin granted Anything that attracts Beneficial Insects Or, tempt me with what you have
ethinacea, money plant, hot peppers or what i am interested in i am hoping you are the april thet wanted a swap for ginger or bananna, do you have any plants, or just seeds? thanks Tiggies seeds
April, your seeds will be mailed today on my way to work.I could not find my 1 of the angel trumpets as soon as I find them I will mail them to you.
Tons of them!!! I just need to get my butt in gear and get my trade stuff so it is accessible. We are in the process of moving. I have posted MANY updates in the home improvement thread. Just let me know what you would like, and I will get it to you!
I still have plenty of everything AND most importantly, I can NOW get to them!!! If anyone is interested, let me know.