I have several plants that need an ID in my new home.

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by NorthernLady, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. NorthernLady

    NorthernLady New Seed

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Prepare youself for a superrr long thread. As I stated in my intro thread, my man and I bought a new home. The home has several plants from the previous owners and I don't know what they are. I also don't really know how to take care of them. I hoping for some help!! Thank you so much in advance!!!


    I have 2 of these bushes. They are very thorny and have very pretty white flowers, which are very delicate to the touch. The flowers fall apart if it is windy out. THere were several spots where flowers should be, but they looked dead. My aunt said that I should prune them. Which I had someone else do for me, because I was fearful that I would destroy the plant. The pictures above are of the flower and the stems. I have been told that they are wild roses.

    Hostas (SP?) possibly?? They have very broad leaves. I have many of these same plants in different places in the yard.


    This plant is on a thing that helps it grow up wards.. I've seen roses and vines on them before. I have no clue what it is called. :( Anyways, this has purplish flowers that bloom on it. I'm not a fan of the way it looks. The flowers on this plant are not very delicate but it has spots (once again) where I think flowers should be, but there aren't any.

    I have 2 of these plants. The leaves look like what I think are Hostas. They have the purple flowers that kinda look like they are hanging. They don't seem to be affected by the winds and rain we've received as of late. None of the flowers fell off or anything.


    8 )[​IMG]
    I think these are the same plant. One looks seriously DEAD, to me at least ;)
    I really don't have a way to describe these plants. I'm sorry. :(

    Once again.. I have nooo idea what to tell you guys about this plant.. It doesn't bloom.. :(

    This lil guy, I think is super cute! It blooms little flowers. That you could probably see if the shadow of my large head wasn't in the way

    I think thats all I for your gardening brains today.
    I'm sure I'll find more as I go! Thank you for taking time from your day to look at these for me!!! :D

    *Post edited to number the photo's :)
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Can you number the photos, it's a whole lot easier to keep track of which plant goes with which name.
    Frank likes this.
  4. NorthernLady

    NorthernLady New Seed

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Absolutly! That would be much easier! :) Thank you!
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    #1 and #2 are roses, maybe one of our rose experts can tell you which one. Don't worry about killing them when deadheading them, they are not that fragile and will grow back just fine.

    #3 is a Hosta. Netty or Droopy maybe can tell you which species

    #4 and #5 is a Clematis. Those spots where blooms should be are spots where blooms where, faded and dropped off. Common to all plants but don't prune this one as it has those pretty spidery features after the flower is gone. The thing it's growing on is probably a trellis of some sort.

    #6 is a Hosta

    #9 looks to be either a Salvia or a Goldenrod, in which case they bloom in hotter weather so give them some time. Maybe someone else can definitely ID it for you. Or we shall wait to see what the bloom looks like later in the season.

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