This beauty has been out in the front tree all day, trying to entice a mate to stop by, I think. So far I have only seen one hanging around but hopefully this one will find a mate soon cause as pretty as the song is, he is sitting in a tree less than 15 feet from our front door and boy is he loud. First Robin of Spring in my yard ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
Toni, you have robins? We haven't seen even one yet! Put up with the noise, or send him to us--we can stand a few more chirps. We have a mockingbird that spends his entire day jumping up and down on the top of an ashe juniper, yodeling in various languages (he does a GREAT squeaky wheel interpretation). I'll swap you a mockingbird for your robin!
A nice shot of this bird, Toni. I am waiting for ours to start singing. I have one that sits in the tree right outside my window here where I do my computering, but until now, he just sits silently. I am thinking ....maybe the end of the month, or sometime in March. I know what you ean that their songs can be loud, but I look foreward to the songs as a sign that I can begin planting in earnest. These birds are the primary participants of the "morning and evening chorus" here. I do like that picture.
Thanks for liking the picture, I was really pleased that the camera I got for Christmas was good enough to let me zoom in for the shot, crop down to what you see there and then reduce the size to upload and get that clear a photo. Oh, he's mine and I'm keeping him. It is a pretty song, I had just never put that birdsong with a Robin before. My yard usually gets about half a dozen Robins for the spring and off/on through the summer into fall. I have a Mockingbird too, he/she is the reason I put out raisins and cut up apples all winter, Had a family of three last year but I guess Mom and Dad moved away once the kid was grown.
I haven't noticed too many Robins here yet. Just a bunch of blackbirds! And you think that Robin is noisy?? You oughta hear these guys! :-D
I have a cloud (or you can call the flock a cluster) of blackbirds year round in the backyard and some come out front. And a large cloud of Starlings that come by 2-3 times a day to eat all winter and then there are the Red-Winged Blackbirds, who haven't gotten here yet this year, but they sure come to chatter and eat. There is also a murder of Crows that hang out in the trees and zoom down the middle the street from time to time, they are fun to hear and watch when they go by
Our robins are beginning to sing here in Scotland. I hear one of them even into the early hours of the morning. I love it when they start their tuneful little ditties as it's a sure sign that spring is on its way. I love the shot you got of your robin Toni - he's a real bobbydazzler.
Even on a mid-winter day the Robins feed in groups on the red holly berries. With the bushes snow covered the Robins still find a way in and eat hundreds of berries. Even as I type this a robin has landed on the snow covering and entered through a hole in the snow. As the snow melts more Holly berries are revealed for the birds to eat Jerry
Aw, I do love it when the robins come back. I look forward to it every year. The past few nights when I got home from work, I could hear them chup-chupping and I was looking for them but didn't see them at all. Now tonight finally, I saw the first one. He was up in a tree and was loud and proud! Spring is on the way... Whew.