The boy came down with it two weeks ago, but he works at Wal Mart so it's a given that he is given that he will he get one or more every winter. Last week my wife came down with it, and this morning I woke up with it! I feel like crap too ! Wouldn't wish this on anyone!
Yuck, one of those dead things. Get lots of rest Captain and drink plenty of liquids, your dead will feel better. Don't blow your dose too hard or you risk loosing the last of your grey matter. Stay warm. We will divert any winter storms south to Texas, they need the water. Your told will be gone in no time. Jerry
It's a good thing that Jerry could help translate that for me! Hope you are feeling better soon Capt!
Honey and cinnamon, ginger or mint tea, vitamin c, zinc, extra humidity! Feel better soon, I had a cold that's on its way out the door now, so I feel for ya!
Captain, a winter cold is one of the awfullest things inflicted on humans. I do hope you get well soon. Drink lots of fluids, take care to keep warm, and I find cuddling with a cat is very soothing. Jerry, if you divert winter storms to Texas, I WILL take revenge :twisted: !
Hope you feel better soon!! Vit C, Echinacea w/Goldenseal, Elderberry syrup to build your immune system, Propolis and Myrrh to help fight the virus. And there's the regular liquids and rest. And it would benefit all three of you to be on Elderberry Syrup year round, especially since your son and wife are out in the public every day.
Hope you feel better soon. Listen to all the wonderful advice that is posted. Especially that humidity. If you can stand to be outside, the cold air might make you be able to breathe much easier.