After reading Toni's reminds me that I need to get busy and plant my bulbs and seeds. Otherwise they won't produce I go from a painting project (dressing table) to my bowling ball, to washing clothes, etc. Seems the 'hurried I go the behinder I get'. I need to take a deep breath and realize, it will all get done in time. I just need to prioritize Hopefully I will have some amount of luck this year, being the novice I am :-|
I hope you are prioritizing according to fun and not need! YOu will quit if you don't! Don't forget to delagate! Happy planting!
Getting ready to plant, KG? You are a busy bee, aren't you. You are right there will be time for it all...just take it nice and easy and work through them. You will have all kinds of luck. Novice's luck is renown; however, you you are much further along than that. heh heh heh. What will you plant first?
Busy busy busy Good luck with all the hard work - There are those days that just seems far too short. I know the feeling but like Silman says - have fun - it will all fall into place.