I have part of an old truck horn that I have been trying to think what to do with. I think my kids drug it home years ago. I attached a bit of pipe on the bottom so I can put it into the ground. Does anyone have any good ideas what it might be good for? It is silver/chrome in color, and slightly dinged, but not severely. moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
You're welcome. Here's the horn. How long is that? horn hoping to become garden decor ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
I to think a solar light would look really neat sitting on the top. Or you could put a gazing ball (I'm not so keen on those)on top.
Hi Heather, welcome to Garden Stew. I will post pics, but I don't know how long it will take me to find the right items for the ideas. I guess it depends on which I find first !