If I remove all medium JPEGs from my computer...(I have to make all my pictures smaller than they are for here and another site I visit) will it remove all of the pictures for here and the other site that I have posted? My computer is getting way too full and I thought if I could go back and clean things up for more pictures....thank you for your information.. Sherry
Hi Sherry, when you upload images to this site or another site you are creating a copy of them which is then stored on a separate computer. As a result there is no connection between the images on your computer and the images stored on the other computers. You can delete the images on your computer and the copies will remain on the other sites. If you delete the images do note though that while your images are relatively safe here accidents do happen and sometimes websites lose data also. If you have deleted the images on your computer and the images on the website disappear too then you have lost those images forever. If you have a CD burner create a backup CD with the images before you delete them.
You can also put your photo's on a flash drive, mine holds 2GB, that's a lot, however you can get them bigger,they are inexpensive to, simply plugs into a USB port, right click on folder of photo's and send to jump/flash drive. Hope you ran disk clean-up, then defrag. to gain more space on your hard drive, before removing your photo's?