Increased lifespan...

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Is it just me, or are others across the world also experiencing this phenomenon of seeing people live longer then expected? longer and in good health too!

    I say this because just a few days ago I learned that a grand uncle of mine passed away (at the age of 90+). He was the youngest brother of my paternal grandfather. A few years ago another brother of my grandfather passed away at 95+. Oh yeah, my maternal grandmother (the source of all my mental distress in childhood) also kicked the bucket a few years ago at 105+! So realizing all of this got me thinking...

    I realized that now almost everybody is living a reasonably healthy and active life, right up to their mid to late 80s. Elderly people are also more mentally alert at the same time (and so a joy to be around too, specially when it comes to sharing wisdom) - I mean that many are now computer literate also. So that old grandma or grandpa siting in a rocking chair with a dazed look in the eyes, is just not seen anymore!

    On early mornings at the beach too, I now see many couples walking and jogging - Who are actually in the their early to mid 70s! But the funny thing is, that if I see them by the standards of 30 years ago, they (even though are in their 70s) somehow look as if they are in their late 50s. They really do now have fewer gray hair too!

    It really is very rare when I have something positive to say about humanity, society, or something that is related to our global civilization in general - Perhaps that is the reason why I enjoy horticulture so much, as it's a very healthy escape for someone like to who has Misanthropy... But here, right now, today, I think it is fair to say that we (as people) must be doing something right!

    Which now also gives me hope, that children growing up today will not only get to know their own grandparents, but great grandparents too! And so, I hope that they will grow up to become better and more mentally stable individuals. And a lot more responsible too, as they'd have acquired more useful wisdom from their elders. :)

    Anyway, is it just me, or are other members over here scattered across world also experiencing this phenomenon?
  2. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    I think culturally we view age differently also. Maybe we also have more opportunities. Although my granddad was working into his 80s, riding his horse and active, he was more the exception than the rule. When I was younger older people (60's and 70's) did not participate in sports. My brother at 60 spent the last two winters in the Alps ice climbing and skiing. To have such an active life!

    I went back to school to get a degree and started a new profession at fifty. My husband shortly after I started back to school went for his masters in business. We just recently paid off our student loans. :D :D

    Medicine is much more preventative. Have many friends and family that have had cancer and are now healthy and active. Dementia and Alzheimer's can be recognized early.

    You are lucky to have such good longevity and genes in your family. You too will have many opportunities.
    S-H likes this.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I really do agree with all that you say. It reminds me of one of the top bodybuilder in my country (who either came first or was the runner-up in the last national championship) - And he is in his late 50s! But what's more amazing is that he started bodybuilding in his mid 40s, (the age were majority of sportsmen and sportswomen decide to retire)...

    Now please correct me if I am wrong, but if I see the whole thing strictly by logic - Then the only major difference that senior citizens of today have with the senior citizens of past. Is that they all probably got routine vaccinations when they were infants, (while their own parents and grandparents never had such opportunities).

    So perhaps that somehow gave their immune system a boost - The unforeseen results of which we now see as living longer and healthier! I don't know for sure, (as I am not a biologist), but if I have to name one major difference that elderly population of today has with the elderly people of the past - Then it has to be routine vaccinations of infants. Or maybe it's all due to the trend (which kicked off 50 to 60 years ago) of taking multivitamins and mineral supplements...

    Still, if anybody here has another explanation also, then please contribute to this thread. Share your thoughts about this phenomenon - Because for me it's an anomaly.

    As my own personal confusion is due to the fact that our environment of today is far more polluted then it ever was in the past, (with lead, mercury, and arsenic now at 100s of times higher levels everywhere). We also now regularly get acid rains in urban areas too - Not to mention the extra UV radiation we get in a day thanks to the depleting ozone layer (because of which many people now develop cataracts while in their mid 50s). And our diet too is now very poor, specially with the arrival of fast food chains all over the world...

    Yet somehow, people are living longer and healthier. Now I am not complaining :D I'm just wondering, HOW???

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