Central Ohio is being invaded by Stink Bugs! We have always had a few, you would see maybe one or two a year, but this year they are all over the place. This time of year they are looking for places to over winter and be warm. They like human houses the best! In Columbus they are worse than they are here. I vaccummed up several this morning and I can hear them coughing in the dust collector. But they do sound like they are getting weaker. Maybe I will turn in on just to give them a couple of spins! Some people call them shield bugs. The shape of their backs looks like a shield.
I do hope that you can keep them under control CK. An invasion of insects like these can't be pleasant.
We have had them for about 5 years and they are not going away. I have even bombed my house, even the attic. They are here to stay.
Its been a huge problem every where this year. This alien invader is destroying lots of things! http://www.stopbmsb.org/
Never had them here in Eastern Iowa. Our Problem is box elder. House was covered with them . Like south side. Right on back and garage door.
Shhh...dont tell them, but so far they are not here. I hope they never find us either. We do get those nasty Asian ladybeetles. They also have a foul stench which is hard if you have asthma. They eat your curtains too, despite claims otherwise on articles about them. It takes RAID or its ilk to get rid of them. Bugs belong outdoors in modest amounts. If I were to vacuum them up, I would haul them out to my chickens for tasty little snacks, but not if I poisoned them.