Has anyone got a potato barrel and if so are they any good? I've seen some on the internet and is thinking about getting one. But I just want to know if they are worth getting one or not.
We've used bags as opposed to a barrel and had an excellent crop of 3 different varieties a couple of years ago. You need to keep an eye on the watering as they can dry out quickly-especially if we get some Summer You also need to think about where you put them as eventually the bags/barrel will need to be emptied which needs space and you don't want to be hauling a heavy load across your garden. Definitely worth a go! Karin
I have done some playing around with potato towers but I don't want to morph this thread. I will start another one.
Why buy something you can make ? Any large plastic container will do if you drill drainage holes in the bottom and a few for aeration around it.
We've used potato bags for different varieties of spuds and they've produced well for us. I think the barrel will be along the same lines so I'd certainly give it a go.
I did grow potatoes last year in grow bags. I seen the potato barrels and thought they will make the garden look nice.
Any container with the proper elevation and drainage should work. Many people use potting soil to plant the potatoes and incrementally fill the container with leaves, straw or shredded paper. I think that is a big mistake. Fill the entire container with either potting soil or good compost. If you are looking for higher production you must provide higher plant food. The stolen will produce supplementary feeder roots so food should be available to the top of the container.
Wow!!! This is very interesting, my very first time to learn about planting potato in barrels or bags.