Recently moved in to home where several are lined up near the block wall, and within a few feet from the pool equipment (I.e. filter, pump, etc.). Some are 10 feet tall, and the ones near the pool equipment are about 15 feet tall. They're good at blocking unwanted views, but I'll get them removed if the the root system of these plants are a threat to damage the block wall, or the swimming pool plumbing.
There was an Oleander by our fence when we first bought this house but we took it out ASAP as they are one of the most poisonous plants there is and our daughter was due to be born that summer and we had a German Shepherd who liked to nibble on plants. From what I have read, they might reach 20feet tall but 10-15 is more normal. If they haven't caused any trouble yet, they might be okay where they are.
Toni hit the nail on the head I would remove it because of the danger to children and pets if you have neither it will be okay to leave
Thanks for responses. If I get them removed, what are the best plants to replace them with that can provide the same privacy? One that doesn't have an aggressive root system, and not messy as it will be close to the pool.
Here's a good think to remember about trees. The underground part of the tree is just as big as the top. If you need some landscaping help, I have an old employee/friend who moved to Las Vegas. Drop me a PM if you want his name.
It is funny how you guys treat oleander almost like a weed with it being poisonous and aggressive. Over here in essex they cost a fortune to buy, struggle to grow and are quite tender so have to be huddled up if the weather turns nasty. I would love one but would have to grow it in a pot on the deck and bring into the conservatory come winter.