Well we were quite surprised and thrilled today to see this cute little Black Squirrel in our front yard. It was searching for Maple seeds in the lawn. Earlier this spring we had seen an adult in our front yard, but then it never came back. So I hope this is the start of a Black Squirrel population and we will be seeing more of them. He has a bit of a dark brown tint to him or her. But so cute.
It's nice to see this black colouration in squirrels. There are areas of the UK that have nothing but black squirrels but I've never seen one in my area.
Thanks for thinking so Mart. Eileen I love seeing them around here. When we were kids we used to vacation at a cottage in Wisconsin that had a lot of black squirrels and I always loved how they looked. Now here they are. UP DATE----those two above pic's are of two different young Black squirrels. I got quite the surprise when I looked out our front window and there under our feeder were two of those cute little critters. WOW I'm doubly blessed.
Lucky, lucky you! I don't think I've ever seen a black squirrel and I have to agree with you...they are really cute!
While very common elsewhere, I saw my first black squirrel earlier this spring. Surprised by it's presence in our yard, I wanted to take its picture, I asked it to stay awhile and went for my camera... it must have been camera shy for when I returned it was gone Maybe their moving down from Canada. We should check with Netty to see if she is missing any black squirrels Jerry
2ofus- again thank you. They sure are special. SJ--So glad they stayed for the photo shoot so I could share them with you all. Jerry--Maybe your black squirrel will return for a photo shoot. HUMMMMM I will have to check the missing squirrel page and see.