We finally had some rain yesterday. It started with a pouring down thunderstorm and settled into a steady rain for a few hours. We went out when it started and moved all of our potted plants where they would get some of it. We must have gotten an inch or so. A lot ran off down the hill but some soaked into the plants. Chance was less thrilled with it and is complaining that the ground is all wet. I think she wants us to dry it for her. She caught a mouse yesterday. Only thing, it was on a sticky trap so she caught her nose, too. I had to chase her down and pull it off and then clean the sticky off her nose. Next time she won't be so nosy when I try to get to it first. It was sort of funny but she didn't think so. It was the wee littlest mouse I've seen. dooley
I'm glad you got some rain, we got a couple inches this week also. Maxine never seems to get much in Phoenix but I notice the temperature is dropping a bit out there. Wannabe
Oh, poor chance! Been gushing rain all week here, and residual effects of the earthquake in Japan are bringing a huge rainstorm in tonight/tomorrow. My kitty was whining outside at 3am!
I'm pleased you finally got a good downpour of rain Dooley. I wish someone would turn the taps OFF here though as I could do with some hot, dry weather for a change.
I finally rained in Utah as well. Thanks for sending the extra moisture to your friends up north . I don't think we've had a good downpour all summer. Hopefully, this will help the firefighters control the wild fires.