Spring must be getting closer. Heard on the news this morning that the bald eagles are starting to set on eggs. They said that 2 nests in northern Ohio have the females setting on them since Feb 1st. Should be hatching out in 2 to 3 weeks.
Great news CK. The birds always seem to know exactly the right time to lay their eggs so spring must really be in the air!! :-D
I will take any signs of spring I can get, it has been a long cold winter here for the south. I am just "itching" to get outside and play in the dirt
I was out playing in the dirt yesterday but knew not to do much as South Central Texas was under a winter stom watch and its to snow tonight or tomorrow .Noooooooooo Pulling my hair out and screeming %$#%#*&^*%$###**@%$@##&.Ok I feel better now. I usually don't talk like that but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do