i finally decided to put succulents in the little 5 pot stand my friend's mom gave to me. I even managed to drill the holes in them myself... and didn't break not even one! The top one is Echeveria 'Lola'. The front left one is Anacampseros refescens. The back left is a "Chocolate Soldier" Kalanchoe tomentosa. Back right is a "Thimble Cactus" Mammillaria gracilis fragilis. The the front right is a "Split Rock or Living Rock" Pleiospilos nelii. Can't wait to see their blooms! 5 pot stand with succulents ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And here's the top view.... 5 pot with succulents top view ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Looks wonderful, love the plants you picked out. Hmmmmmmmmmm, now I have another garden feature to search for, that came out so good looking. One request, could you check out plant pages to see if we need those plants or photos of them there. I know chocolate soldier is there without a picture, mine died before I could get that done.
I just suggested a couple of the plants that weren't listed. My photos of the individual plants didn't come out as good as I wanted... so I'm going to retake them and then submit.
I think you've picked the perfect plants for your flowerpots Cheryl. They look really lovely. Great job drilling the holes without damaging any of the pots. :-D
Well Cheryl, you did good! I like your plant selections. That will be a nice addition to your sunny garden!
That looks very nice! I couldn't grow them outside, but I could grow them in the window. Hm. I think I need to visit the shops soon.
A guy that was also buying succulents at the same time said he has ALOT of them growing indoors. I just hope that they make it living outdoors here in SE Texas.
I like it, sucks that the weather here will never support and outdoor succulent garden. I will get a pictue of my chocolate soldier also and submit. Mine is over 6 inches tall and breeding it's own army.