Taking two youth group kids home from a fun night about 8:15. Fortunately we weren't going too fast. Several deer - the boys counted 7 (they think) - started acros the road in front of me. The first three made it - I hit the fourth one and have no idea where the rest went. The boys and I are fine - scared but no ill effects. The Jeep on the other hand will need some work. It is drivable but leaking anti freeze - the radiator is not quite in the place it belongs. The front grill is smashed and the hood is dented. Fortunately I was only about a mile from home.
I am glad you are okay Polly. An accident can really shake you up. Do you have another vehicle to get you around? Sometimes getting the jeep fixed is the biggest hazzle. Take a good hot bath so you aren't so sore tomorrow. Wannabe
We do have a second vehicle and our neighbor has offered his if we need it. He is a great neighbor to have - we can always count on him when in need.
I'm glad there were no serious injuries. The boys will have something to talk about in school tomorrow. I hope it isn't too much of a hassle or expense getting the jeep fixed. Too bad deer don't carry insurance. Dooley
your insurance will cover hitting a deer ..the deer ran into you ... ,here in wva deer hitting cars are a everyday happening! we hit 3 in one year last year..oh i mean the deer hit us....@#$%%^&* darn deer running right into cars. beautiful animals but not very smart . glad everyone is o.k.
I'm really glad knowone was hurt.Your lucky .I have insurance on mine for wild animals.All State will only pay for 3 I have Progressive(Drive) now not sure about them.I hope I don't find out any time soon.
Glad you and the boys are ok Polly. That happens a lot out here too, thankfully never to us so far. But a big Rottweiler(sp) ran in front of us and busted our light assembly and our insurance wouldn't cover it.
Ouch!! Thank god your ok, I hit 1 once, 1800.00 damage to car, but we were all alright, and the deer went in my freezer..lol
So pleased to hear that none of you were injured Polly. :-D We have a strange law here in Scotland. If you hit a deer and kill it YOU can't remove it and take it home with you for meat. However, the driver behind you can!!! Weird.
Glad your OK. Hitting deer in Michigan even in towns is a common thing. Yes, even in towns as one night (2:00AM) on the way home from work I passed thru a town and in front of the bakery and dress shop in the street were 3 deer. July 2000 about 11:00PM I hit a deer one block from Down town Marrinette Wisconsin with Kares brand new Durango. No dammage but Kare worried me to death till I got it under some lites to look it over good. Young girl down the road swerved to miss a deer and hit a huge oak tree in the ditch and died the next day. HIT THE DEER!!!!!!!!!! I know there would still be deer hit by cars and trucks but a lot less would be hit if people just drove instead of mutla tasking, slowed down during peak deer moving times and stop useing tunnel vision and use panavision. :-D Al
Glad you are all ok. Several years ago, my wife had a deer run into her. He hit the drivers door and then the back door and the rear 1/4 panel. The total damage was about $6000. They almost totaled the car. The only reason they didn't was because of the low mileage on it. They replaced the drivers door with a used one and it never fit right. It didn't leak in the rain, but it whistled when you drove it and you could feel the cool air in the winter.
I have hit 3 deer and one Emu in my time of paper carring. Its against the law in Texas to remove the deer unless the police give it to you.Usually They give them to nursing homes are needy families.I had one run over me.Only one frot fender and grill mess up,when I hit one and no dammage once .Dented hood not bad and broke a park light when Emu got me.It was slow driving that kept the dammage domn.Here in this part of Texas they like to jump fences and almost land on top of you or right in front of you.
So glad you are all OK Polly. I have noticed a giant increase in the amount of deer around here this spring. My neighbor hit one a couple of months ago on our road and luckily she was driving slow and the damage to her vehicle wasn't too bad. I've been driving very carefully around here since.