This past spring I acquired a big black (maybe 25 gallon size) pot of Jerusalem artichokes. They seem to have done quite well over the summer despite our awful weather. Have never grown these before but I did from somewhere know to keep them IN a container. The tops are now looking like they're starting to die back. Does anybody know when it is time to harvest these? And do I keep and dry the tubers? (like dahlias?) or do I replant? or? Suggestions, ideas appreciated
My jerusalem artichokes, I just leave in the ground and harvest them as and when I need them. They are invasive, so if you leave some bulbs in the ground, they come up every year. You can harvest them anytime now if they are dying back. I am not sure if you have to lift them, maybe if your climate is too cold. Mine I planted 15 years ago and they are growing and spreading, i never do anything, they just grow, occasionally water in the summer.