As mentioned in another post, I nipped out as night was drawing in and took a few pics from my garden, signs that spring is here! Bergenia Fresh, young chives. Daff buds Daffs open! Hyacinths still a way off flowering Iris berries Mahonia flowers - these will smell GREAT! Pansys in my pots are picking up now the days are longer and warmer peach blossom buds - a good month off opening. New shoots on my Photinia Red Robin Pink primula Primrose Primulas Pulmanaria Single snow drops still going strong Double snowdrops going over now These are my favourite crocus, lovely candy stripes. Hope you enjoyed my dusk walk around the garden.
After all that long wait for spring it has finally arrived for you. :-D I have never had Iris produce berries, what sort are they?
Oh, wow, is that the Iris foetidissima? We can't grow them, it's too cold for them here. You've got lovely blooms, enjoy them doubly!
Noe....this is a really good spring display. There's so much going on there...I just love seeing it all.
Beautiful,Beautiful,Beautiful I'm loving your photos and your wonderful colors .Spring has for sure sprung at your house.
OK I'm sitting here turning green!!! Everything here is still covered in snow so it's lovely to see your spring displays EJ.
Lovely You are officially Springed. (night time photos are looking good, so clear - is that your technique?)