These plant pages are in need of your photos and some need more plant information added to them also. Please check them out and add what you can. Thanks Linaria maroccana (Toadflax) Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfield' Vernonia noveboracensis (New York Ironweed) Agastache rupestris (Licorice Mint, Sunset Hyssop) Photos added by Kay, Thanks Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' Nephrolepis exaltata (Boston Fern, Sword Fern) Photos added, thanks Cherylad Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) Photos have been added, thanks Cherylad Cordyline fruticosa (Hawaiian Ti plant) Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna Lily, Naked Lady) Capsicum frutescens (Cayenne Pepper) Knautia macedonica (Knautia, Crimson Scabious) Photos have been added, thanks Droopy
Toni.... There's Black Walnut Trees where I live. And I have a Fern... not sure if it's Boston or not...I can get you some photos... as soon as the weather cooperates.
Great Cheryl....please don't tell me you are getting rain, please! You don't have to tell me cause I looked at the Texas weather radar and see you are.
Storm blew through a bit ago. Not a whole lot of rain here... but we'll take what we get! I heard however that alot of folks in Houston are without power!
I can get you pictures of ferns, a couple million of them all over around here but I can't guarantee they are Sword ferns.
Toni... I submitted photos for the Black Walnut. I sent one of the tree, one showing the bark and leaves, and one of the nuts (green). Submit another when they are ripe and falling all over the place!
Thanks much Cheryl. I just activated them on the plant page and will get it ready for web release shortly. And thanks Droopy for the photos of the Knautia.
Toni, I have that Sunset Hyssop in my garden. It isn't blooming yet, but I can get a pic of it now... Or wait till the flowers are on it?
Kay, a photo of it now would be great then a photo when it blooms too. Many plants can be IDed by the leaves so having a good photo of those is always helpful. Thanks much
OK, Good! I'll get a photo as soon as I can. It has been miserably hot and windy today, with a tornado watch... I just got home from work, and am relishing the A/C