This butterfly thinks if it lands on orange flowers that you won't see it. But, dr and I both saw it. These periwinkle are by the front door. Now, that's not a butterfly or a flower. It's Chance with her new shiny red harness. She knew just what it was too. She was trying to put her head into it before dr got it adjusted. Now, she can go in the truck with us again. dooley
Awwww doesn't Chance look great in her new red harness?!! Lovely photographs of the butterfly and flowers Dooley - thanks for sharing them with us. :-D
Gulf Frittilary butterflies are pretty much the only ones I saw this summer, they are such a bright orange. Very pretty.
Those Gulf fritillary butterflies were interesting to see. I can see that they do blend with the zinnias and marigolds very well. Your Periwinkel looks nice there...but what a nice shot of your doggie. She really did take to that harnass didn't she?
Was just watching one of those butterflies the other day. Their color and markings are just too beautiful.
don't know which I like more, Chance in her new harness or the orange butterfly on the orange flowers. :-D
Yes, things have gone from brown to green in a hurry. The ranchers are now hoping for a second cutting of hay. I'm just wondering if it will dry out enough between rains to cut the grass before it hides the house. It has rained each day for 8 days now. Rain is in the forecast through Sunday. Some days it is light but some days it's heavy. I would like a little sunshine mixed in once in awhile. Sunshine keeps it from being depressing. dooley