Some of you might have noticed that we've had around 12 deg C/54 deg F and lots of rain for the past 4-5 weeks. The blooms put themselves on hold, but now that we've had a couple of warm days and sunshine, out they come! Filipendula hexapetala Those sweet, small Dianthus: The South-African Chrysantemum something-or-other, that's changed name and isn't Chrysantemum anymore: Heirloom Paeonia: Paeonia "Duchesse de Nemours" just starting: The giant Scabiosa, Cephalaria gigantea: What's left of the north border, Delphiniums, martagon lilies, Astrantia and a Crambe cordifolia in the top right corner: Funny blooming Sempervivum: Moss rose "Cardinal de Richelieu": Lilies, a cream-yellow martagon something-or-other: Don't know what they are, but they're colour: Lilium x marhan: Lilium "Matrix": This is brand new, a mini-Silene with an extra bonus, a Helleborus seedling: And the Australian Geranium with brown foliage and tiny, white blooms: And more lilies on the way, if only the weather pretty please will be good for a few more days.
That all looks so nice and healthy,,,obviously they loved all the rain. Its been close to 20C here and today it hit 20C or 70+ ? I sure hope your weather turns warmer because i would love to see more of your beautiful flowers. Just awesome!
Thanks Biita. It's been ever so boring out there. We had around 26 deg C/79 deg F both yesterday and today, and it's supposed to last until Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Fingers crossed!
Well it's certainly not boring now!!! What beautiful flowers Droopy. I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed that the good weather persists for you because I want to see more of your wonderful plants.
COR Droopy----what an explosion of blooms! You have really outdone yourself this time, showing so many beauties. Now the second foto from the top: the white Dianthus looks so beautiful with it's start white colour beauitiful eye and that delicate, fringy crenulation around the edges of the petals. It's a masterpiece of nature. That Lilium matrix really asks for attention, doesn't it? That Heirloom Paeonia is such a pretty thing. It'sd hard to believe that it's real. Now...tellme about that "Moss rose". it is a curious looking thing. I really likerd this group of piccies-- what entertainment comes from Norway this time. Just beautiful.
The blooms! The blooms! Does just everything open up at once when you get sunshine? So pretty. Is there a common name for the tiny white blooms in the first picture? The orange lilies look like what we call Tiger lilies here in the states. They are all lovely. So glad it's not boring anymore. Enjoy! Gardengater (Carol)
Thanks all, I'm enjoying my flowers now. The moss rose is an old rose type with moss-like growth around the buds and a bit down the stems. It's a strong, trouble free rose with very dark blooms, and the "moss" makes it so special too. Gardengater, the first one is a form of Dropwort, but with double blooms and very different foliage. When it's cold everything puts itself on hold here, and when we get a warm spell the blooms are in such a hurry, so instead of getting new blooms all the time as we planned, we get a burst before things normalize.