We went to the farmer's market yesterday and didn't get rained out like we did on Friday. Rick, one of the farmers, gave me some kale seed. He had ordered five pounds from the feed store across the street and went to pick it up. He has three acres where he's going to plant it. He gave me quite a lot, much more than you'd get in a packet at the store. Now, all I have to do is find a place to plant it where it won't just be grasshopper food. Kale is one of my favorite greens. dooley
Kale seed Dooley, Kale is THE most nutritous green we can eat. I had my first success with this lovely green this year. It has been picked several times and just keeps on giving. I planted a different type and the worms seem to thrive on it, but the curly leaf Kale either doesn't appeal to them or the birds get the worms before they grow big enough to do serious harm. I hope you have great crops of Kale. Popeye should have tried it! :-D
I have been so busy that I haven't planted it yet. I also have a cold or sinus problem. It's been raining for a couple of weeks now so it's just to wet to be outside anyway. Now, I have some onion sets called walking onions that one of The Farm Team gave me that I have to get planted. I might just put them in one of my tubs so they don't walk away. dooley