Found a product that works pretty good on keeping coons, deer, cats and dogs out of area's where they are not wanted. It' called Critter Ridder and is made by Havahart. I got mine from Lowes and it was only 6 or 7 dollars for a 2 lb. can. It's supposed to last for upt to 30 days. Have used some in an area where we transplanted some flowers and the coons started to dig and then gave up and haven't been back. It is made with the oil of black pepper. It's safe to use and won't harm the animal. So far I am satisfied with it. Once they get ahold of it they don't come back.
I have heard good things about Critter Ridder from a few people. I think I'll see if I can get some the next time I have rabbit and deer problems.
So glad you found a solution CK. Even better if it does no harm to the animals. :-D I don't think we can buy that product here in Britain but I'll keep an eye out for something similar as I have a bit of a squirrel problem at the moment. I really wish my neighbours wouldn't encourage them into their gardens as they then bury the food in mine!!! :-x
During Garden season I move my dog boxes near my gardens it keeps most everything away. Cats do the rest hehe.