On the fourth before I left out of town, I was on here and the keyboard started acting funny. Well I went to reboot and just happened to pick up the key board to find a pen, and as I turned the keyboard over, tons of water came pouring out!! It spilled out onto my pants but I would say it was about a half a cup of water if not a little more. I know I didnt spill anything here and RObs been out so I have to think it was Tony our roommate, tho he says it wasnt him..... Stupid ghost . Well, I took it apart to let it dry out and then had to leave to go out of town. When I got back yesterday, I put it back together but it didnt work. No gardenstew for me! I could only look. Well, this morning, I tried it just to see and its working but the buttons feel like sponges. They dont feel right. Will this pass? Or should I jsut junk the old thing and get a new one? Will there be unseen problems because of the amount of water that was in the keyboard?
Pinkie, I think it will pass. I've heard that if you spill something sugary like coffee with sugar into a keyboard it will destroy it. I think water may not write it off
Well, I guess thats a good thing! HAHA! Ive been trying to get hubby to let me buy a new one. This is the orignal keyboard to the very first computer we buy as a couple some 8 yrs back....HAHA! It has Sharpie letters and numbers. He says as long as it works, we will use it...
Tell me about it Pinkie. My laptop is literally falling apart but I will not replace it until I really need to. The screen goes totally white if I move it back to far, the power button is missing, it gets hotter than the sun. But I'm attached to it. What's a gnome to do!
If a "ghost" does happen to finish the job, you should check out newegg.com for a new piece of equipment. There's a keyboard for all price ranges. If you like the normal keyboards, check out the comfy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6823109156 If you like ergonomic keyboards, check out MS Ergo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6823109161 If you haven't tried out an ergonomic keyboard before and you type a lot, I highly recommend you spend at least a couple of weeks with one to see if you like it. 2 weeks because it takes a while to get used to the more spread out feeling that they keyboard has.