ok, I want to get a laptop for mom's house. She lives in the country with only a phone line, -but I don't want to use that line, I'd like to have the laptop on WiFi. This is new ground for me, I know NOTHING about it. Can anyone explain this in simple terms, (as I am a bit slow sometimes)., Thanks in advance-!
Is there another Pc in your mom's house that uses a modum? your laptop, will search for WiFi and if there is a school or business near by it may pick up the signal from there? or you can try getting a router, which helps to draw in a signal. If none of this works you can contact your mom's phone company for internet service.
yes John, I do believe cell phones work there. no Susie, There's never been a PC there., And the closes school is probably 8-9 miles away. Nothing else within 20 miles. moderator's note: removed double posting see point 3.6 of usage rules
Verizon and I suspect ATT have a package to provide WIFI to your location but there would be a fee. Your laptop would connect like a cell phone.
If you have an I-Phone, it can be set up as a personal WIFI hotspot. That will allow you to use the internet on your laptop through the phone. You'll need to contact your cell service provider for more info. If you don't have an I-Phone, there are several companies that provide the service. Here's one example. http://www.truconnect.com/?gclid=CPCc1e ... 7AodvmkArw