Little white maggot looking larvae in the stems of my pepper plants (jalapeno and bell). They eventually bore into the jalapeno's. The jalapeno looks perfect until I cut it open and the larvae are inside there too. The plant itself looks very wilted and unhealthy. They don't look like the pictures I have of the Squash Vine Borer and I haven't seen the adult moth flying around my garden. Has anyone had this problem?
The small white maggots may be Cabbage Maggot Fly larvae Kat. They not only attack plants (by boring into the stems) such as cabbage, brussel Sprouts etc but pepper plants too. Try Googling and seeing if the pictures you come up with look like the grubs on your peppers.
Thanks Eileen, I checked that out, that could be it. I also found one called a pepper weevil whose larvae is similar.