Last Years Garden

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Sydney Smith, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi. Happy New Year to all and time for planning this years garden but also to think back on results for 2014. For my part all was well with the plants and garden generally doing as hoped, Hostas specially were wonderful in both leaf and flowers - there did seem to be more slugs/snails about - more leaves(food) more eaters perhaps - rather like the more caterpillars more young birds thing. All the herbaceous plants are cosily tucked away for the winter and as always that great expectation to see them all reappear in Spring - wonderful time that - the return of old friends. We haver a decent background of evergreens both smaller plants and Shrubs so the garden does not look bare. Already theres a few Polyanthus and the first Snowdrops showing so its getting ready to get going again.
    The new items such as the Kirengeshoma are progressing well and settled in. A very nice large flowered Hydrangea plant rescued from going into the neighbours bin has also done well. How did others gardens fare - care to tell?.
    No special plans for this year as yet - just care for it as is and see where we go. How about you?.
    Best wishes to all. . Syd.
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  3. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Hi Syd,

    Glad to hear your Kirengeshoma did well. I had bought one several years back & planted it in our woods. Too much root interference: it died.

    Also glad to hear you already have bulbs coming up. Here in New England, we are still in the depths of winter.
  4. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi CM. Thanks for that. Sorry your Kirengeshoma did not make it - a nice clump looks good whether in just leaf or with its flowers - last year they opened more fully than they usually do/did. In a previous garden with a good general neutral-ish soil it made quite a showing but here being recently planted and with the dryness (dryest corner in England)I have to work at it and watch watering etc - have it planted in a nice shady spot next to a path so easy to get at. Another plant I reintroduced is also settled well - Lysimachia clethroides - a bit of a wanderer this but I have put its back to a fence - love its white flower spikes which appear horizontally and with shade behind it all point in the same direction facing forwards. The new Goatsbeard also thrives. Have had a few little seedling strangers also appear and these when spotted (if not known) I always watch for a time to see what develops - have got some good plants that way. One in particular last year is a nice dark blue Larkspur which is seeding in a nice clump/area and will keep itself going hopefully. This is another of the many bonuses to be had from our gardening - things just appear (good and bad) and you do get to recognise a lot of seedlings in time. On the semi woodsy strip Sedum acre, Wood violets, small Geraniums, Feverfew, a Gorse, Broom, Opium Poppies in shades of red/wine, biennial Evening Primroses and more have appeared. I just leave them to get on with it - its all filling in nicely now. Think I may have mentioned my deliberate plantings of Hostas etc were eaten by the Deer jumping the fence.
    Best wishes to you. Syd.

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