Our roses have a "second season" in the fall, and bloom beautifully. Nagodoches rose ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) I am particularly fond of yellow roses, and the Nagodoches is a reliable rose with a light scent. David Austin's Dark Lady rose ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) Many of David Austin's roses grow well in Texas. The Dark Lady is a great deep red rose with a heavy scent. Many red roses "black out" in our climate, but this one doesn't. Bon Silene rose ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) Bon Silene blooms like crazy, but has little or no scent. I love her anyway--she is such an enthusiastic bloomer! Saphrona rose ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) And finally, Saphrona. White roses tend to either get brown edges on their petals, or turn yellowish for us here in Central Texas. Saphrona does neither--she stays white and blooms quite nicely. I didn't catch her at her best in this photo, since she is just a bit past prime, but you can get an idea of how lovely she is. I hope you enjoy our late October roses!
You have really beautiful roses. My favourite would be the Dark Lady as she is heavily scented and such a rich colour.
One day I'm going to venture out and try roses again. When that day comes, I'll be turning to you, Jane, for advice. You have such a nice variety that can handle our growing conditions.
Thank you all for the kind comments--I'll tell the roses! Cheryl, roses aren't difficult if you get the right rose. I'd be so happy to "consult" with you! Donna, I don't have a knockout yet--too expensive for my gardening budget. I'll have to keep my eye open for a bargain, but probably not as good as you found!
Hi Jane,..beautiful roses and to have them blooming in the fall as well,..mine do carry on blooming until late,..but sparse.