This is rare on the Island. Strange looking but nice to see it. Lomatium dissectum, Fernleaf biscuitroot ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Sorry to say, but that isn't the prettiest flower I've ever seen. Poor little sad brown flower heads. :'( Must be habitat destruction and not collecting causing its rarity?
Fernleaf biscuitroot as a common name is too cool! I think it would make a great symbol for the structure of an uranium atom.
Ummm, the foliage is nice, is there something special you can do with this plant? has it medicinal/herbal value?
Hi Kildale, i have never seen one before but have read about it many many times when reading about Native Americans and the use they made of it to protect themselves against colds and flu and other illnesses,..its a plant i would like to have in my herb area,..a very valueable plant health wise.
It's almost always the plants that we overlook that are the ones to become rare and endangered. Are there any plans to protect this species on the island or is it more common elsewhere?