I know I have been away for eons, but Eileen, wanted to let you know that the bluebells you sent me are all in bud and will open any day now. As soon as they do I shall post a pic. Hope you are all well.
Hi EJ, I have been thinking about you, wondering what exciting adventures have been keeping you from us. How is the allotment prep going? Is there anything new you are going to plant this year?
Hello stranger!!! I was only thinking of you the other day when I noticed that my bluebells were all sprouting and forming buds. I hope Mark and the kids are all fighting fit. Sooooooo what have you been up to since we last saw you? Really great to have you back EJ as you've been sorely missed. :'(
Hi EJ It is sooo nice to see you back! You have been missed! Can't wait to see those pictures and hear about your latest adventures!
Welcome back, EJ. The photo you posted is lovely. Looking forward to seeing what you're up to this year.
Oh you guys, now I am sitting here with a mix of guilt for vanishing for so long, and happiness that you all missed me and remember me! Okay, update on life. Hernia op last June, all healed and after 12 weeks recovery I was back at work and digging at the allotment. Mark had an accident on his motorbike in London, nasty, but but thank god, only cuts and bruises, aches and strains to him. At a similar time, he started a new job slightly more locally, so the bike has been stored in the garage ever since waiting for the insurance claim....still blinking waiting! Job went downhill suddenly and just after a lovely Christmas, he was given notice. Fortunately someone was keeping an eye on us because within 6 weeks he was offered another great job locally. A cut in salary, but fingers crossed as the company grows that will change. He is very happy, and we are all stress free again. I am now working almost full time with my own gardening company and have a nice little client base of around 10 gardens which I manage around the kids, home and allotment. The allotment is looking great, spuds are in and I am planning to spend all day Sunday, come rain or shine, on the plot to get seeds sown and plants planted. Marks Nan died back in the autumn, she was 101 and an amazing lady. A sad event, yet happy, a joy to have known such a legend. We celebrated her long life. The kids are growing fast, Jessica is 9, going on 19, and James is 7 and a little swine! So there you have it, nothing really that exciting, just life going on as normal really. Work keeps me very busy what with paperwork and research. I am trying to get into a more settled routine so I can get things back to normal, so expect to see a little bit more of me around. Thanks for welcoming me back!
Gosh EJ where do you find the energy to cope with all those gardens, run a house, look after the kids and Mark, do paperwork and still cope with the pets, your own garden and two allotments?!!!! Blimey woman do you ever sleep? I'm glad to hear that Mark wasn't seriously injured after his accident. I hope the insurance company get his claim sorted PDQ. They take the money from you fast enough but seem to hate to give anything back don't they? :-x It's also good to know that the new job is going well. Sometimes it's better to have a cut in salary and be happy that have plenty of money but dread going to work every day. I hope Marks nan got a message from the Queen when she reached 100. Somehow I don't think I'll last that long. Just imagine all the changes she must have seen in her lifetime. :-D
Welcome back, EJ. I did wonder how you were doing? You weren't feeling so hot when you were here last. My granddaughter just turned 12 and is going on 20. Don't girls seem to think they are older and boys are just boys? My energy level is dropping with age so I won't try to keep up with you. dooley
Just reading about your life leaves me breathless. I'm glad things worked out in the end, and I hope this year will be a good one for you.
A Warm Welcome Back, and Very Nice To Meet You, EJ. You sound like one busy lady . . . I am not sure what an alotment is, but good luck with it.