This is such an international group, I have hopes someone here can help me! I am looking for Longue de Nice squash seed--a vendor that sells it. Longue de Nice is a zucchini type squash that can be used as a summer squash or let mature and used as winter squash. According to my somewhat iffy translation of French reviews it is hardy, tasty, and resistant to diseases. It comes from the south of France (hence Nice in the name). I want this because it will be a great squash for the food pantry, and I can let some mature and we'll have winter squash to carry over. Any pointers in the direction of a seed vendor will be most welcome!
Greta's Organic Gardens has seed
Goodness gracious! I hadn't expected a reply at all, much less such a prompt one! Netty, I thank you and lots of hungry people at the food pantry thank you! My order is going in this afternoon. This has to be the friendliest as well as the best-informed gardening forum in the world! (Can you tell I'm happy? )
Netty, I agree Google is a wonderful thing, but when I searched I came up with zip! I think Google requires a master's touch . . . .